

hmm which one will power up my training?

Have you ever gotten home from a long day at work and walked straight to your pantry to grab the first thing you find? Before you know it, you’ve gone through half a bag of crackers, gummy bears, or almond butter fingers [aka finger dip, lick, repeat], without even batting an eyelash. If this is at all like you, you should know that you’re not alone. This is a classic problem for many people, generally because they don’t eat enough during the day.

But here’s the good news in all of this… there’s a simple, cost effective, healthful solution to your pantry raiding: HEALTHY SNACKS! 

Science says snacking is good for you. The 5,000-subject-strong National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that people who ate snacks in addition to three meals a day had higher levels of nutrients in their diets. Healthy snacks are an important part of a balanced diet and can produce ultimate performance. Eating snacks through out the day can keep your energy high and your  blood sugar level from dipping. Planned snacking reduces the likelihood of choosing unhealthy foods, over-eating at meal time, or the experiencing energy “crash and burn”. Not only that, but a smart snack can POWER up your workouts and help you  achieve all your fitness goals and dreams.

I love sharing workouts with you in class and with our online workout challenges.  We’ve been training hard, and I’m proud of you for all of it. But in order to get the MOST from your workouts, you need premimum fuel in your tank. And thats where healthy snacking comes in, helping you power up before, during, and after your training session. I thought this week I’d challenge you to learn how to incorporate healthy snacking into your diet and workout routine. Below is a list of  premium training snacks. Some of them are my favorites… others are client’s top picks. All of these are:

  • Snacks prepared in less than 5 minutes
  • Healthful bites to fuel you for your day. To help you stay energized, alert, and balanced
  • EASY. Can be stashed in your desk, car, office, golf bag, gym bag [whatever you’re into] for quick and easy access.
  • Low cost: you wont go broke over your snacking! Avoid the vending machines and save your money for fun fitness adventures
Caroline Jordan Fitness SNACK ATTACK. Foods to power you UP!!
  • Fruit – Any kind and Im happy 🙂 loving the fall apples right now.
  • Quick oats, cinnamon, and ground flax. Click HERE for my favorite oatmeal. Its my #1 on the go snack and favorite breakfast.
  • Homemade trail mix: will keep up to 2 months in a jar. Fill Mason jar with cacao nibs, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, prunes, dates, apricots. Look for raw nuts and seeds and unsweetened dried fruit
  • Chocolate Milk. This is an AMAZING after workout drink if you can tolerate dairy
  • Edamamme. Im Semi-obsessed
  • Sushi. If it sits well with you – I say its a GO!
  • Hummus and a pita with snap peas
  • Raincoast Crisps with coconut butter and dried fruit: Look for dried berries, they’re the bomb!
  • Fruit to go bars: although they are not as good as an apple, pear, or any whole fruit [I think you can find organic ones now] they’re a lot better than the candy machine!
  • Baked Oatmeal Snack Bars. Love this recipe!  Thanks Kath!
  • Ryvita crackers with almond butter and jam: look for a jam sweetened with fruit juice
  • Apple and almond butter
  • Popcorn and coconut oil: popped fresh is best, but if you’re in a time crunch [or there’s no popper at your gym…] throw in a microwavable bag of plain, unsalted popcorn. Sprinkle with sea salt and coconut oil or any season you like!
  • Olives: throw a couple in a container in the morning and snack on at any time of the day
  • Celery and peanut butter
  • Bean salad: 1 can mixed beans, ½ red onion chopped, ¼ cup apple cider vinegar, ¼ cup olive oil
  • Flax oil, herbs and veggies: mix 1 tsp parsley, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp basil, 1 tsp oregano, 1/4 tsp salt in 1/4 cup flax oil. Use as a dip for veggies
  • Kaia foods kale chips
  • Seaweed Snacks
  • Coconut chips: long shreds of coconut, you can usually find a health food stores
  • Hemp powder & unsweetened almond milk: try to find 250mL servings of almond milk, should keep up to 1 year
  • Lara Bars! I like the new cookie dough flavor
  • Dried fruit: look for unsulphured, unsweetened, organic dried fruit. Mixing with nuts and seeds will lessen the impact on your blood sugar
  • Medjool dates and coconut butter: split open and stuff with coconut butter
  • Hummus and veggies: prepare vegetable sticks on Sundays and store in your fridge for a quick get-to meal
  • Banana and almond butter
  • Toasted bagel with nut butter, banana, and sprinkled coconut: my favorite gluten free bagel isKinnikinnick Foods Tapioca Rice New York Style Plain Bagels [Kinnikinnick bagels are NOT vegan, but there are many others that are!]
  • Carrot sticks: plain, simple, and delicious
  • Granola: look for a brand that is sweetened with honey (check the ingredients because sometimes they SAY its sweetened with honey and it still has loads of glucose)
  • Goat cottage cheese with tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, and celery
  • Apple and cheese
  • Yogurt and trail mix: trail mix – fill Mason jar with cacao nibs, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, prunes, dates, apricots. Look for raw nuts and seeds and unsweetened dried fruit
  • Slice of  Quality bakery bread and coconut oil: pumpernickel, sunflower rye or rock rye breads
  • Granola and chocolate chips
  • Greek yogurt with blueberries, granola, and a drizzle of blueberry agave
  • Marys crackers with individual sized canned tuna: try to find tuna in water (avoid oil and mayonnaise)
  • Hard boiled egg.
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
  • Turkey melts: 1 slice of bread, 1 slice of leftover turkey, 2 tbsp daiya cheese: put in the toaster oven for 5 minutes
  • Pre-cooked chicken: cook, cut into strips and keep in the freezer. Defrost in the morning for an after work snack

This week I challenge you to pack some of these simple snacks into your workout bag for accessible fuel-on-the-go. What is your personal favorite HEALTHY SNACK? Leave a comment below with your top training snack and how you use them to power up your training. 

Cant wait to read your healthy snack suggestions and see you in another POWER packed class soon! Have a wonderful week and HAPPY SNACKING!


True story: Im in the airport tired and ready to go home from my most recent trip to L.A. Im almost through security when my bags are pulled over by the airport police. Something inside didnt check out right… so its time to unpack all of my belongings. Everything should be fine… but whats the problem? The raisins, almonds, and oatmeal, my #1 healthy snack option. Just a reminder for when you travel… carry your snacks on with you! You know I cant leave home without my oatmeal 😉

Other things to check out:

TOO much fun at LULULEMON Grant Ave. Love my store.

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Its been almost THREE years since I started the weekly Caroline Jordan Fitness Newsletters. I hope you have enjoyed all of the fitness facts, health tips, and workouts as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I want to make sure you’re always motivated to mix it up, work it out, and live a HEALTHY life!

Its about time to spice up your weekly workout routine…. I dont want you to hit a FITNESS plateau and lose your motivation!!  I’ve ROUNDED UP some of our past workouts and I want to challenge you to give them another shot. The first time was your practice round  after all 😉 Below is my list of “Caroline Jordan Fitness Favorite Workouts”. I want you to MIX up your fitness routine and continue seeing amazing results from your time in the gym.  So what do you think… are you up for the challenge? How many of the below can YOU sweat through this week? I challenge you to complete as many as you can before next Sunday. Then leave a comment below this post with the # of workouts you sweated through. The person with the highest # of total finished fitness sessions wins a little special something 🙂 Cant wait to read your comments and see how you feel after all the workouts.  CHALLENGE YOURSELF…. HAVE fun…. and BEST OF LUCK to everyone!

Caroline Jordan Fitness WORKOUT ROUNDUP. 

Its a total of 10 workouts – some complete hour long routines and others quick bursts of movement. Looking forward to reading your comments and congratulating you on how many you accomplished this week! And dont forget the special prize for the most completed workouts…. trust me its WORTH IT! Need something to sweat to while you power through the above? Check out my SPICY summer spin mix and HAVE FUN!
Thanks again for being an amazing fitness family. See you this week for Chisel’d, Cycling, Core, and more workout mania!
Other things to Check out this week:

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Interval training has been used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts for years to build fitness. Interval training combines short, high intensity bursts of speed, with slow, recovery phases, repeated during one exercise session. Today, exercisers use more structured interval training workouts and High Intensity Interval Training to build speed, endurance, or lose weight. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, more calories are burned during short, high intensity exercise.  If you are looking to lose or maintain your weight, high intensity exercise is a better choice than long, slow endurance exercise.

Interval training can be used in any sport from cycling and swimming to walking or dance. This week’s challenge was designed for a WALK OR RUN but can be altered to meet your cardio preference. When I walk into the gym – I typically see exercisers plodding  along on the treadmill. They set a time, zone out, and finish when the desired time is up. Sure they are running…. but their workout isn’t going ANYWHERE. By adding intervals to your treadmill time, you’ll challenge your heart, increase your performance (speed/endurance) and burn more calories than a steady state workout. That sounds MUCH more effective than 30 minutes sleep walking (or running) on a treadmill doesn’t it? When working out on the treadmill do you make your time COUNT or do you distract yourself? Next time you hit up the treadmill for a workout, I want you to try this challenge. If you are short on time, just do the first half for a quick workout…. but if you’re feeling good, put your NIKES to the belt and JUST DO IT!

Heres where the CHALLENGE part comes in…. After you’ve completed the workout, I want you to leave a comment at the end of this post and tell everyone you DID it. I want to keep you accountable… and hear if you liked the intervals! Ill randomly choose ONE of the comments below and reward that successful exerciser with a little “GREAT JOB” gift. Take the challenge. Leave a comment below with your accomplishment. Make your time at the gym count. I can’t WAIT to read what you think!

Give me what you got. 20 or 40 Minute Interval Workout!

You can power-walk OR run the below challenge. It is sectioned into 2 parts. If you are short on time work through the first 23 minutes. If you have a bit longer, try out the whole routine. Remember, always check with your doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes. The workout should feel challenging and strong, but NOT cause any pain. Modify or intensify the below to meet YOUR needs, challenge yourself and most importantly, have FUN with it!!

Warm up 0:00 – 5:00. Incline at 6.0. Power walk (fast!) up the incline with strong athletic arms and an elbow drive.

5:00 – 8:00: Incline at 1.0. Strong run or walk. It’s challenging, but not too uncomfortable. Lets call this place your “BASE PACE”.

8:00 – 11:00: Incline at 1.0. Run/walk HARD. This should be about 80% of your max. You can sustain the speed for about 3 minutes… But that’s about it. Challenging and uncomfortable speed, we will call this place your “RACE PACE”. At the end of this push, you should feel WINDED.

11:00-14:00: Incline at 1.0. Return to your original run/ walk BASE PACE and keep a challenging speed. Easier than your sprint, but still a strong speed. Connect to your breath and get ready for the next round of intensity.

14:00-16:00: Incline at 1.0. Back to race pace for 2 minutes. Push yourself at a pace you can’t hold any longer than 2 minutes. Challenge yourself to go a little faster on this second interval.

16:00 – 18:00: Incline at 1.0. Return to your strong run/ walk BASE PACE for 2 minutes.

18:00-19:00: Incline at 1.0. RACE PACE for 1 minute. Really PUSH it – its only for 60 seconds!

19:00 – 23:00: Incline at 1.0. If you are in for a shorter workout, use this interval as your cooldown and end at 23 minutes. If you’re in for the full 40, return to your original run/ walk BASE PACE for 4 minutes and focus on your breathing.

23:00 – 26:00 : Incline at 4.0. RACE PACE for 3 minutes. This is your last round of intervals, time to stay committed and step it up a notch. The added incline is there to really challenge you. Can you keep your original race pace up the first climb? Are you sure your race pace isnt a bit faster? Time to step outside your comfort zone.

26:00 – 28:00: Incline at 1.0. Take the incline back down. Base Pace for 2 minutes. Keep it challenging and mentally prepare for the next interval.

28:00 – 30:00: Incline at 6.0. RACE PACE 2 minutes up the next hill. You should feel your legs burning and your heart beating HARD. Try to maintain your speed.

30:00 – 31:00: Incline at 6.0 . Back off to your base pace but keep the incline for 1 min. Try to resist the urge to go slower than your original base pace. This is a quick turn around, stay alert and keep your mind calm. With the right mindset you can tackle ANYTHING. Find your BREATHING and get ready to RUN!

31:00 – 32:00: Incline at 10.0. FINAL SPRINT. This is your last minute to push it and you are running UP a hill!  GO FOR IT. Time to step outside your comfort zone.

32:00 – 36:00: Incline back 1.0. Bring it back down to a comfortable walk/jog. Keep your body moving at a steady pace for the next 4 minutes. This speed feels slow but comfortable. Keep your arms loose and your breath steady – your workouts almost over.

36:00 – 40:00: Incline at 0.0. Walk it out. Remember the cool-down is IMPORTANT in preventing lactic acid build up and unneccessary soreness. Take time to steady your breath and bring your heart rate back to a comfortable place.

When you have completed the workout, take a few minutes to stretch, foam roll, and HYDRATE. Its WORTH the time, trust me. Try out the below video and let me know how you feel after:

Don’t forget to LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me you DID it. Can’t wait read your comments and hear about your success. Enjoy and I’ll see you soon for another great class or training session 🙂


Other things to check out this week:

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This baby can do a one handed pushup!! CAN YOU?

Caroline Jordan Fitness Tip of the Week: Fitness Testing. 

Is your time in the gym actually working? The fitness test is a valuable tool in measuring progress as you move towards your health and fitness goals. If you dont currently have any goals…. then its time to GET SOME. When your training time has a purpose you’re much more likely to stay committed and consistent with exercise.  The below test was designed to access your current fitness level. It will help you know where you are RIGHT NOW and set a goal on where you want to be in a months time. In 30 days, I will challenge you to RETAKE the test and access your progress. I know you will STEP IT UP and beat your first score (everyone is a little competitive in there somewhere 😉 This a a great way to break out of your comfort zone, push past plateaus, and give you a goal WORTH working towards.

Here are a few other benefits of the FITNESS TEST: 

1. It will measure how much you are improving…EVEN if the scale hasn’t moved.
2. It will measure if you need to step it up more (See if what you are doing in your current fitness routine is really working).
3. It will measure changes in performance (which you should have if you’ve got a good training program). This will help motivate you to continue doing what they are doing.
4. It will show you how SUCCESSFUL you are in working towards your fitness goals. Its all about BABY steps towards better health people 😉

Heres where the challenge part comes in: I want you to take the below fitness test THIS WEEK. Once you have completed the test, WRITE your results as a comment at the end of this post. In one month I will ask you to share your results again and we will celebrate how far you’ve come.

Sharing your results in the comment section will help keep you ACCOUNTABLE and motivate you to progress towards your fitness goals. Putting it down in WRITING is the first step towards making it happen. Writing your goals on paper is scary isnt it? Why? Because that means its REAL. Its OUT there. You actually have to commit to it.

I challenge you to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Take the test. Set a goal. Write it down below. I cant wait to read all your comments and cheer you on towards progress. Its time to make some changes. Its time to spice it up a bit. Its time to live your best life.

Move fearlessly forward. Good luck to you ALL!

Caroline Jordan Fitness CHALLENGE of the week: The Fearless Fitness Test.

There are a total of eight exercises in this self-test. This is not as much as a formal assessment as it is a snapshot of where you are now. The exercises will act as your fitness baseline and give you an idea of your strength, endurance, conditioning, core strength, and balance capabilities. These exercises are eye openers to show you what you need to improve on. You might do well, or you might struggle. IT DOESN’T MATTER. What does matter is how you improve over time. If you continue on your path towards your fitness and health goals you WILL see dramatic improvements. If you truly focus on becoming 1 percent better every day, just think of how great you’ll be after a month of consistent efforts 🙂

Perform the exercises below in the order listed. Rest for 2-3 minutes after each exercise to make sure you’re not fatigued for the next one. Do this routine BEFORE one of your workouts this week. You’ll repeat the same series of exercises in one month, compare your test to what your score written below, and see how much you’ve improved. I think the best way to get through the test is to grab a fitness friend and  have a date to work through the exercises and test each other. You can also ask a personal  trainer at your gym (the ones that work the floor are super helpful!) to walk you through proper form for each of the exercises. Whatever works – just TEST yourself this week!

  1. Exercise One: Overhead Squat. How many “perfect squats” can you perform in one minute? Lower body strength test. Click HERE for proper technique and helpful information on how to perform this exercise with quality. You will be testing WITHOUT weight.
  2. Exercise Two: Pushup. How many “perfect pushups” can you perform in one minute? Upper body strength test. Click HERE for proper form and modifications on the pushup.
  3. Exercise Three: Single Leg Balance Touch/Single leg Deadlift. Start with your left leg for 60 seconds. How many cumulative single leg balance touches can you perform in one minute? Repeat the process on your right leg. Balance and muscular imbalances test. Click here for proper form cues and image of this move. Remember, you will be doing this exercise WITHOUT weight!
  4. Exercise Four: Back Row. Complete as many QUALITY back rows as possible in 60 seconds. This exercise is a TOUGH ONE. Click here to learn proper form and modifications. Bent knees on this exercise is a GREAT option!!
  5. Exercise Five: Hover Plank. See how long you can hold a forearm hover plank WITHOUT loosing your form. Record your maximum time. Core strength and stability test. Click here for proper PLANK form. 
  6. Exercise Six: One Mile Run/Walk.  Test your best speed in a one mile run. If you are not a runner, perform the test power walking instead. Speed and conditioning test. Make sure to WARM UP before you race it! Record your mile time below.:)
  7. Exercise Seven: BURPEE Test. How many burpees can you perform in one minute? Record your number. Beginners – walk out into plank instead of jump. Click here for notes on proper burpee form. 
  8. Exercise Eight: Sit And Reach. Remember this exercise from high school PE? Time to revisit your teen years and grab a ruler! Heres a simple way to test the sit and reach at home .
If you have ANY questions about the exercises or need a quick demo, dont hesitate to reach out and contact me. Im here and I want you to succeed!
Write all of your results BELOW in the comments section for safe keeping. In ONE month we will retest and you can look at what you’ve written and SEE progress! Cant wait to read your scores and cheer you on as you progress to getting stronger.
Good luck! Cant wait to see you in class this week and hear how it goes. See you soon for another great workout…. we will be practicing your burpees 😉
Other things to check out this week:

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Running makes me feel like an athlete. It makes me appreciate different aspects of different seasons and the beauty of the world we live in. It makes me aware of things I never was aware of before. It has taught me more about myself then I ever thought “exercise” would. I have pushed my limits. I have found some limits. I have learned I am not a quitter and that I can do anything I put my mind to. It gives me structure and helps relieve stress, but mostly it just makes me happy.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of the Week: Beginning to RUN program.

In the spirit of running and this weekends’ San Francisco marathon,  I thought it would be fun to do a BEGINNING TO RUN post. So even if you’re NOT running in a marathon (or ever plan to!), I want to CHALLENGE YOU to give walking/running another chance as part of  your fitness regimen.

Here are some answers to the most common running questions and my “beginning to run program” that will help get you started strong.


    1. How do I get started? Start walking for a length of time that feels comfortable–anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Once you can walk for 30 minutes easily, sprinkle 1- to 2-minute running sessions into your walking. As time goes on, make the running sessions longer, until you’re running for 30 minutes straight.
    2. Is it normal if running hurts?  Some discomfort is normal as you add distance and intensity to your training. But real pain isn’t normal. If some part of your body feels so bad that you have to run with a limp or otherwise alter your stride, you have a problem. Stop running immediately, and take a few days off. If you’re not sure about the pain, try walking for a minute or two to see if the discomfort disappears. To avoid pain, be sure to run  in shoes that are properly fit to match YOUR body’s mechanics and needs. Also use THESE tips from the PROS on proper running form and how-to’s. Check with your physical therapist or doctor if you continue to get pain from running.
    3. Can I run in sneakers? Running doesn’t require much investment in gear and accessories, but you have to have a good pair of running shoes. Unlike sneakers, running shoes are designed to help your foot strike the ground properly, reducing the amount of shock that travels up your leg. They’re also made to fit your foot snugly, which reduces the slipping and sliding that can lead to blisters. Visit a specialty running store to find the right shoe for you.  Read my take on the right shoe for YOUR feet here and  an important post on keeping your FEET FIT! 
    4. How is running on a treadmill different from outdoor runs? A treadmill “pulls” the ground underneath your feet, and you don’t face any wind resistance, both of which make running somewhat easier. Many treadmills are padded, making them a good option if you’re carrying a few extra pounds or are injury-prone and want to decrease impact. To better simulate the effort of outdoor running, you can always set your treadmill at a 1-percent incline. When you run outside you get lots of fresh air, pretty scenery, and the thrill of exploring new routes. However, it’s not always easy to gauge your speed or distance and sometimes the weather can make it tough. I avoid the treadmill as MUCH as possible and always head outside when I can to run. But everyone is different – mix it up and find out which option you like best.
    5. Where should I run? You can run anywhere that’s safe and enjoyable. The best running routes are scenic, well lit, free of traffic, and well populated. Think of running as a way to explore new territory. Use your watch to gauge your distance, and set out on a new adventure on each run. Ask other runners, local run groups, or sporting stores about the best local routes. I recommend getting started with a friendly running club like the one at LULULEMON GRANT AVENUE to get an idea of different outdoor runs you can do.
    6. I always feel out of breath when I run–is something wrong? Yes, you’re probably trying to run too fast. Relax. Slow down. One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is to run too fast. Concentrate on breathing from deep down in your belly, and if you have to, take walking breaks.
    7. How do I prevent getting a side stitch when I run? Side stitches are common among beginners because your abdomen is not used to the jostling that running causes. Most runners find that stitches go away as fitness increases. Many people also recommend avoiding solid foods immediately before a run. When you get a stitch, breathe deeply, concentrating on pushing all of the air out of your abdomen. This will stretch out your diaphragm muscle (just below your lungs), which is usually where a cramp occurs.
    8. Should I breathe through my nose or my mouth? Both – just make sure you are BREATHING!! It’s normal and natural to breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time. Keep your mouth slightly open, and relax your jaw muscles.  And whatever you do DONT chew gum!! It will cause you to tense your jaw (TMJ anyone?) or accidentally swallow… not fun.
    9. Should I be doing anything in the gym to build my fitness? Working on stretching and flexibility is always helpful, especially to prevent injuries. We use  a lot of running specific strength exercises in class. Squats, lunges, and core work are all great to build a strong and safe frame for running. Try my athlete specific body weight strength video for ideas or use this video after a run for the best results:

10. By the end of my run I can barely move—why? Many runners make the mistake of NOT cooling down after a workout. Make sure you budget time to cool down after a run. Walk for a few minutes and stretch your body before ending your workout. If you’re really sore before you finish running, your workout session is too long, too fast, or too hard.  Allow your muscles to adapt to running speed, distance, and intensity gradually. And plan for warm-up, cooldown, and recovery!!

11. Can I still call myself a “runner” if I walk so much? YES! If you’re running, no matter how fast or slow, you are a runner. 🙂

Fearless Fitness Challenge of the week: We are ALL RUNNERS. 

Everyone can be a runner. Heres a sample walking / running program for you to try.  Sample the below workout at an intensity level that feels challenging but comfortable. Make sure to take AT LEAST one day of rest each week and balance out your program with strength and flexibility training. Start and finish each week’s workout below with five minutes of walking. Then, alternate the following run/walk ratios for 30 minutes.


WEEK 1: Two minutes running/four minutes walking
WEEK 2: Three minutes running/three minutes walking
WEEK 3: Four minutes running/two minutes walking
WEEK 4: Five minutes running/three minutes walking
WEEK 5: Seven minutes running/three minutes walking
WEEK 6: Eight minutes running/two minutes walking
WEEK 7: Nine minutes running/one minute walking
WEEK 8: Thirteen minutes running/two minutes walking
WEEK 9: Fourteen minutes running/one minute walking
WEEK 10: Run the whole time!

Other things to check out this week:

Do you currently following a walking/running program or do you just get moving whenever you can? Whats your strategy for running injury free? Do you have any upcoming races or events that YOU are training for? Do you consider yourself a RUNNER? Why/why not? Leave a comment below with your thoughts on the RUNNING sport. Are you a “love to runner” or an “anything but” gym go-er?!
Do you have any other running related questions? Send em MY way at: carolinejordanfitness@gmail.com. Id love to help you discover what the sport means to YOU 🙂
Looking forward to class this week! Keep up the great work and I’ll see you for a workout soon 🙂

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Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events July 10-16th:

Monday 7/11: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6-645pm Chisel’d, *** NEW CLASS 6:50-7:15pm VIPER EQUINOX

Tuesday 7/12:  12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup

Wednesday 7/13: *** NEW CLASS 5:30-6:00pm VIPER, 6-630pm Chisel’d, 630-7pm Core Strength and Stretch EQUINOX

Thursday 7/14: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Friday 7/15: 12pm Abs and 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Saturday 7/16: 10am Chisel’d and 11am Cycling EQUINOX .

TEAM UP AND SAVE with GROUP personal training! Currently offering JULY discounted rates on couples and group personal training session packages. Get  your summer fitness routine started STRONG with a custom fit workout plan and an extra dose of exercise motivation.  Hurry up and book – time slots fill up fast! CONTACT ME for details.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of the Week: Have a Fitness Adventure!

Happens every year…. You’re HARD CORE in the beginning of the summer, hitting the gym like its your job and dutifully managing your nutrition. But once the season hits full stride, its all too easy to fall OFF the wagon… and into a lawn chair. Before you know it the heaviest thing you’re lifting is an icy cocktail.

Fortunately, staying in shape this summer doesn’t mean choosing between having fun and staying fit. You can get your summer motivation back on track just by MIXING IT UP a bit!  And thats exactly what you should do when your fitness motivation starts to dwindle. It’s extremely beneficial to BRANCH AWAY FROM a fitness routine and find other ways to make your workouts FUN. After all an exercise routine will only work for a short period of time before your body adapts and stops seeing results. To keep exercise interesting, stay motivated, AND continue to progress you should change up your routine every 4-6 weeks.

I want you to break away from your routine and try something new! Because of our routines we often forget that life is an ongoing adventure. This week, take yourself by surprise. Do Something Brilliant every day. Strike out in some new directions. Amaze yourself when you learn what you are capable of. Here are a few fun ideas for you:

  • Break out your swim cap and goggles to melt away stress and blast fat. Butterfly, breast, front crawl – find your stroke. Read up on my swim tips HERE.
  • Experiment with lean proteins besides chicken for a whole week. Try fish, bean, and turkey recipes!
  • Try out a magazine workout and complete ALL the sets and reps. Mix it up by picking up Men’s Health, Oxygen, or Runner’s World. Anything DIFFERENT!
  • Host a fitness DVD swap with your friends. That Pilates workout you’ve grown tired of may be the perfect gift for your new-to-fitness friend.
  • Give your camping weekend a fitness makeover by portaging. This means you’ll be carrying your canoe and cargo to a new campsite each day.
  • Try a new fruit, like a prickly pear or guava. When your summer sweet tooth craving hits, its on standby.
  • Replace one weekly spin class with an OUTDOOR ride. Contact your city’s parks and recreation department to map out the trails. In San Francisco, Sports Basement and other specialty cycling stores are also a great resource. Be sure to wear your helmet and SPF. Safety FIRST!
  • Host a family or friend picnic with clean eats and a friendly soccer/frisbee/ or dodgeball tournament at your local public park.
  • Get a team going. Start training for an adventure race which can include hiking, or biking through dense forests, paddling, or climbing (Look into “urbanathon” or tough muddler events – you’re guaranteed to have fun and push your limits!)
  • Take your canine companion for a nice long stroll on your active rest days.
  • Run the stairs at your local stadium or public park (SF’s Lands End park has sand stairs – SO FUN!)
  • Take a stroll over to your local farmers market for fresh fruits and veggies. It’s prime time!
  • Team up: Meet new (fit) people and work up a sweat by joining a sports league. Try softball, volleyball, or flag football.
  • Grab the tongs and wow backyard guests with healthy barbecue delights from Cooking Light.
  • Instead of a beach vacation, why not attend a yoga retreat? They’re often held in beautiful locations and can include healthy meals and hiking. My good friend and yoga instructor Erika Hollister is hosting one in the fall for an unbeatable price… Puerto Vallerta In October – sounds DELIGHTFUL! Click HERE for more info 🙂
  • Take up surfing or paddle boarding for full-body toning.
  • GIVE BACK. Sign up for a 5K relay or even a dance-a-thon. Have friends and family pledge you.
  • Start a lunch hour walking/running group at your office or school and train for as a group for a long distance run or charity walk.
  • Go to TimeAndDate.com to find out when the sun sets. Grab your significant other or best friend for a sunset walk to end the day on a high note.
  • Get over your commitment issues and sign up for a month long bootcamp or training package. Have someone help YOU work your body with an interesting fitness program and new moves.
  • Challenge yourself to try a NEW move per body part. Zercher squat anyone?
  • Learn martial arts or creative dance.
  • Take the scenic route and walk to work.  SAVOR LIFE – Remember… we only pass this way once!

Fearless Fitness Challenge of the Week: SHARE Your Adventure Story!

One of  my goals in building this blog was to have a community of SUPPORT, MOTIVATION, and ENCOURAGEMENT in your quest towards living a healthy life. Has it helped at all? Have you found information or inspiration that’s empowered you in your FEARLESS life?

I have always loved the amazing discussions we have on here and any chance I have had to get to know you guys better. Thats why this week’s challenge is something fun to get to know you on a more personal level.

As you know, fitness comes in a variety of ways and what works for one person might not be exactly right for someone else. It’s up to us to try what’s out there and make the best decision for US. So this week I want you to show me what fitness looks like to you – I want you to SHOW ME YOUR SUMMER FITNESS ADVENTURE!  To participate, please send me a picture from your day with a caption by Thursday at noon (PST) to carichic@pacbell.net (subject “Summer Fitness Adventure”).  It can be anything food or fitness-related from your summer of mixing it up and HAVING ADVENTURES. A pic from an amazing run or fitness class, your breakfast, a snack, a hike, whatever you like. I’ll post the photos on the blog on Friday 🙂

Your images will be shared on the blog and will help inspire OTHERS to be healthier. TAKE THE CHALLENGE THIS WEEK and SHARE your summer fitness adventure with me!  I want to feature YOU – the readers that make our online “healthy living community” inspirational :). Who knows, your summer fitness adventure could encourage others to break out of their shell and live healthier.

Looking forward to seeing your photos and hearing YOUR stories! Send em in and remember, Im always listening 🙂

Hope to see you soon for another awesome workout!


And dont forget to check these other cool posts this week:

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Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events June 19-25:

HEADS UP! I am teaching TWO new classes this week. Come check out VIPER Training with me at EQUINOX San Francisco. What the heck is the VIPER? Check out this video.
Monday 6/20: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6-645pm Chisel’d, *** NEW CLASS 6:50-7:15pm VIPER EQUINOX

Tuesday 6/21:  12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup

Wednesday 6/22: *** NEW CLASS 5:30-6:00pm VIPER, 6-630pm Chisel’d, 630-7pm Core Strength and Stretch EQUINOX

Thursday 6/23: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Friday 6/24: 12pm Abs and 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX . 

Saturday 6/25: 10am Chisel’d and 11am Cycling EQUINOX .

SATURDAY JUNE 25th SPECIAL EVENT 12:30-2pm!! “SEREN-I-TEA in the SQUARE” an interactive midday event featuring meditation, yoga, education and refreshments. Registration for this event is open to the public and you can register ANYTIME at http://bit.ly/SereniTea. . Click HERE for more information on this unique Summer tea party, DONT miss out on this incredible chance to move, sweat, and drink free tea!

Interested In Personal Training but not sure it fits in your budget? Try out a GROUP workout! Grab some friends and schedule a couples or group session. You’ll get quality training and SUPPORT in a fun group setting. Programs are carefully tailored to fit the unique fitness needs of each client and combined with lifestyle coaching for complete health and happiness. Don’t wait till next year to be healthier:Contact Me for details.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of the Week: What the heck is that workout TUBE?

It may look like a humble rubber tube, but ViPR  is an extremely effective training tool….

Virtually indestructible and incredibly functional, the ViPR has already made its mark in the fitness world and in the media.

WHAT IS VIPER? ViPR is an acronym for vitality, performance, and reconditioning. It’s about VITALITY: a re-newed sense of energy and movement possibility. Its about PERFORMANCE: performing at the highest level possible with plenty to spare. Its about RE-CONDITIONING: Regaining the power to move effectively and efficiently once more.

At the heart of VIPER is the concept of whole-body integration (WBI). There exists an old adage: “We are stronger as a whole than the sum of our parts.”

WBI means that for every action and movement performed, you are using your ENTIRE body to effectively create motion. This is consistent with the fundamental design of the human body. Current research is revealing these truths like never before. Recent anatomy and biomechanical studies had delineated these facts quite clearly. Treating and training movements using the WHOLE BODY is more effective…. and loading these movements will create accelerated adaptations. VIPER allows movement to be loaded, thus ensuring a positive transfer into life!

ViPR is designed to:

  • Provide an effective, whole-body workout
  • Build muscle and burn calories through strength and movement training
  • Be lifted, dragged, thrown, stepped on – and pretty much any movement you can think of
  • Be safe, as it’s made from rubber
  • Be suitable for all ages and abilities, with weights ranging from 4kg to 20kg


If you train with kettlebells, dumbbells, stability or medicine balls and balance tools, then you’ll already be familiar with the potential of effective training programmes to transform, tone and strengthen. ViPR achieves this potential with just one tool.

ViPR wasn’t designed to replace your existing equipment set-up, but to integrate seamlessly with your club’s existing BOSU, TRX or free weights. ViPR is also perfectly formed for easy storage and mobility.

It’s not uncommon for exercisers at all levels (women, older people, those in rehab and reconditioning programmes) to feel excluded from traditional resistance work and strength and interval training. ViPR is available to all of these users, as well as those typically looking to make serious strength and fitness gains.

The Viper  is a great training tool for fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors (vitality), elite athletes (performance), and those on the sidelines rehabbing post-injury (reconditioning). There have been over 9,000 exercises developed using the VIPER. Are you ready to learn some of them? TAKE THIS WEEKS VIPER CHALLENGE!

Fearless Fitness Challenge Of The Week: The VIPER Challenge!

This week I challenge you to try at least THREE different exercises with the VIPER. You can join me for a class at EQUINOX Fitness or use a VIPER on the gym floor and sample some moves yourself!

Click on the below links to view sample workouts:

VIPER Training for Beginners in Fitness Magazine . Scroll to page 36 for the total body workout.

Interval Training with the VIPER at Men’s Health

These few sample workouts are just the beginning…  just imagine the possibilities! If you have questions or want help finding a VIPER class that fits into your schedule, feel free to CONTACT me or check out the EQUINOX website for more info 🙂

Im here to support you in finding your STRONGEST self – inside and out. Hope to see you in class this week for some VIPER training and other great workouts!

Thanks again for being an AMAZING fearless fitness family!




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SUCCESS!!! Smiles after an awesome outdoor workout at EQUINOX SF!

Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events May 22 – 28:

Monday 5/23: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6-645pm Chisel’d, 6:50-7:30pm Muscles On The Mat** EQUINOX

Tuesday 5/24: *** SPECIAL EVENT!! Tuesday night Club One will be professionally filming my Sports Stretch Class from 7-730pm. If you come to class, be sure to wear your favorite spandex outfit and bring a smile! 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch (FILMING!) Club One Citigroup

Wednesday 5/25: 5:30-6:00pm Competition Core, 6-645pm Chisel’d, 6:50-7:30pm Muscles On The Mat EQUINOX

Thursday 5/26: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Friday 5/27: 12pm Abs and 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX

Saturday 5/28: 10am Chisel’d and 11am Cycling EQUINOX .

Interested In Personal Training but not sure it fits in your budget? Try out a GROUP workout! Grab some friends and schedule a couples or group session. You’ll get quality training and SUPPORT in a fun group setting. Programs are carefully tailored to fit the unique fitness needs of each client and combined with lifestyle coaching for complete health and happiness. Don’t wait till next year to be healthier: Contact Me for details.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of the Week: Fresh Air Fitness!

I grew up in a studio. From everyday Dance practice to the gym aerobics floor, I was always moving indoors. It wasn’t until I moved to San Francisco that I thought to get outside for a sweat. AND WOA what a difference fresh air makes!I was blown away by the changes I felt in both my mental and physical health. Never had I found such a challenging hill workout or enjoyed the breathtaking views from Fort Point until I stepped OUT into the real world for a workout.

Research shows spending time outdoors has a profound effect on our health and well being. Unfortunately, most of us spend over 90-percent of our waking hours indoors and rarely take the time to get outside and enjoy the serenity and calm that nature has to offer.Most indoor workouts can be boring and repetitive, not to mention force you to breathe in the stale air of the gym.Spending time outside enjoying nature is one of the most basic ways to help reduce your stress level and boost your fitness. Here are a few ways outdoor workouts can affect your overall health and well-being.

  • Free Vitamin D. Scientists recommend outdoor exercise as a way to get your vitamin D through sunlight. Read more on the benefits of Vitamin D here.
  • Fresh Air. Getting outside gives our lungs a chance to fill up on fresh air.  It’s always nice to leave your home or office and feel the fresh air on your face.
  • Mental well-being. When you spend time outdoors, especially being active, you can lift your mood, think more positively, feel more internal calm and greater harmony with the world around you.
  • New terrain. When we exercise outdoors, our mind becomes aware of the changing terrain. Whether we use the hills, sand on a beach, or a winding path, our mind has to focus differently than it would on a flat gym floor.
  • It’s free! No membership fees!!  The outdoors belongs to all of us, you don’t need any special equipment and your starting mark is wherever you make it.
  • It’s not boring. I can hardly STAND 45 minutes of the treadmill, but I look forward to getting out on a trail or in a park and to see the world. Of course, treadmills and spin classes have their place, but breaking up your routine with a run outside or a local park bootcamp can be just the kick in the pants you need to see the results you want and stick with your health and fitness goals.

Ready Set GO! Workout Ideas You can Take ANYWHERE.

When it comes to outdoor workouts, the possibilities are endless. Sometimes all it takes is a little imagination and you can make the WHOLE world your gym. Here are a few ideas to get you started…. Soon you’ll be an outdoor workout ADDICT!

Disclaimer:talk to your doctor before starting an outdoor fitness program. I tell my clients to have a goal in mind, start slowly, and work up to their potential. Outdoor exercise can be adapted to anyone’s level of fitness. And ALWAYS include a warm-up and cool down to your workout.  5-10 minutes and you’ll be ready to get in a great sweat!


  • Intervals.You can vary your intervals with different intensities. Some ideas: Try to sprint for 20 seconds, walk/jog 20 seconds, and repeat 5 times. Or jog/run for 5 minutes with two 1-minute sprints spaced in the middle.
  • HILLS.I learned to love running hills thanks to San Francisco’s inclined terrain. To get some great ideas for hill workouts, check out this post.
  • Suicides (ladders).Use trees, streetlights, or street lines as markers Sprint to the first (closest) mark, sprint back. Then sprint to the 2nd mark and back to the start point, and so on. Try using 3 to 8 progressive marks.

Bodyweight Toning:

  • Pull ups/Chin Ups.Use any bar that you can reach and grip. If you aren’t a pull-up person (yet!) work on a chin-up hold. Grip the bar and hold your chin above it for 30-60 seconds or more. You’ll get to pull-up status in NO time!
  • Squats and lunges.There are endless variations of the squat and the lunge. Squats can be done with one foot or two; feet can be together or split. Squats can be done at a controlled, slow, fast, or plyometric pace. They can be one continuous movement or held at the bottom. Lunges can go in all directions. You can walk and lunge or take one on the spot. Make it wide or narrow, continuous or held. Make sure to always keep good technique; you should feel it in your thighs, glutes, calves and core.
  • Push-ups.You can push up against anything. The floor, a bar, a bench, or an even higher platform to give you a vertical push up. Try all different angles or pushup variations to constantly give your upper body a new challenge.
  • Tricep Dips.Use a chair, bench, step, or even hill slope on your hike. Point your fingers forward and lower your hips using your arms. Create a 90* angle and then rise back up to start. You should feel the back of your arms engage throughout the movement.
  • Step-ups and Step Downs (MY FAVORITE!). Find a platform you can step on to. Step on and off with alternate legs. Or stay on one foot and lift or lower with controlled strength. For a video of how to properly do step downs and step-ups, check out my running specific warm up.
  • Jumps/Plyometrics. Jumping jacks, burpees, squat hops, mogul jumps… the possibilities are endless. Heres my quick fix outdoor cardio circuit for a few ideas to get you started.

Yoga/Stretch/Meditation/Breath-work. You can roll out your yoga mat just about ANYWHERE you want. Do your sun salutes in a neighborhood park or on the beach by the water. Talk about transformative yoga! And of course you can stretch, breathe, or meditate anywhere as well. Take a moment to enjoy the outside and remember that real relaxation isn’t found on the couch. Take it all in and appreciate it!

Do you work out outside? How often? What’s your favorite outdoor workout?

Fearless Fitness Challenge Of The Week: Outdoor Workout Challenge!

This week’s challenge is to get active in the great OUTDOORS and take your fitness to the next level. My hope for you is that each and every outdoor workout is an adventure, an experience that is both invigorating and peaceful. With a little scouting, you’ll find many places where you can stimulate your body, draw power from your surroundings, as well as center and quiet your mind. You will enjoy not just a full-body experience, but also a full-being experience: body, mind and soul.So take a jog along the Embarcadero. Go for a long bike ride and stop somewhere for a Picnic lunch. Take a weekend hike and spend sometime enjoying beautiful views from the summit. Its SPRING time and its about time you enjoy it. So I challenge YOU to get outside and SWEAT!As always, please feel free to email me with questions, comments, or success stories! I love seeing you accomplish all of your health and fitness goals…. feel free to share!See you in class this week for another awesome workout! Have fun getting outside and sweating in the FRESH AIR!!


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Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events May 1 – 7:

Monday 4/2: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6-645pm Chisel’d, 6:50-7:30pm Muscles On The Mat** EQUINOX

Tuesday 4/3: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup

Wednesday 4/4: 5:30-6:00pm Competition Core, 6-645pm Chisel’d, 6:50-7:30pm Muscles On The Mat EQUINOX

Thursday 4/5: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Friday 4/6 : 12pm Abs and 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX

Saturday 4/7: 10 am Chisel’d and 11am Cycling EQUINOX

Interested In Personal Training but not sure it fits in your budget? Try out a GROUP workout! Grab some friends and schedule a couples or group session. You’ll get quality training and SUPPORT in a fun group setting. Programs are carefully tailored to fit the unique fitness needs of each client and combined with lifestyle coaching for complete health and happiness. Don’t wait till next year to be healthier: Contact Me for details.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of The Week: Is life a marathon or a sprint?

Think life is a marathon? You keep running and running and whoever goes the longest wins? THINK AGAIN. Life is a series of sprints. You sprint, sprint, sprint, and then rest and recover. That way you’re always exerting maximum effort for the best result, but you rest so you dont burn out. If you just keep sprinting you’re gonna die quickly without living.

Two weeks ago I strained my right adductor muscle teaching cycling. It was painful, frustrating, and Im SO GLAD it happened. When I hurt myself my life was going a million miles a minute. I was doing it all – on top of the world and feeling good. I couldn’t see how much I was doing because I was operating at such a high speed. I said yes to everything… and then some. And when you don’t press the pause button… life will find a way to do it for you. Guaranteed. My hip flexor strain was a minor injury… but just the reminder I needed to SLOW down. Truth be told we could all use the reminder to RELAX more. Sometimes it feels as if we are hamsters on a wheel – going round and round, continually pushing ourselves all the time, and eventually this leads to break down. In order to be filled with energy, decrease stress levels, and live a powerful life it’s important to take time to RECOVER. Going the extra mile to help the body regenerate and cope with the hundreds of daily stressors in life makes a HUGE impact.

Now that my hip flexor is on the mend, I thought Id share my hard earned lesson and remind you to rest, restore, and recover. We are in it together – fearless fitness for HEALTH and HAPPINESS. And that includes balance…. Lets talk about that.

We live in a reactive world. We often wait until something happens and then we react. This is why our health sometimes fails. We’re so busy sprinting that we don’t stop until our bodies shut down and force us to take notice of the damage we’ve done. Instead, I challenge us all to take a positive approach and prevent stress from overwhelming our systems and our lives. I challenge you to focus on your body with exercise and prioritize your mind by scheduling downtime to ensure your wellbeing.We all want to go fast and accomplish more goals than there is time for in a day. But sometimes you have to go slow in order to go fast. By recharging your batteries and taking care of your health you will set the foundation that will have you feeling great and able to perform like a world class athlete.

Don’t get me wrong – I love intense workouts and training hard. You’ve been to class… we WORK it out! And I love coming into work and seeing people get after it in the gym. Yet there are still too many people on the edge of injury. Whether it’s a lack of sleep, high stress, too much time sitting at a desk, or running around like a crazy mess – we can all do a better job of maintaining our bodies. It’s hard not to fall into the misleading belief that doing only strength work and cardio will keep you healthy. But as I learned the hard way last week, when you don’t emphasize recovery and regeneration in your routine, you end up falling short of your potential.It’s a reminder that you must recover just as hard as you train. And while nutrition plays a vital role in the process, there are other aspects that are integral to complete regeneration and overall health. Sleep, massage, bodywork, and breathwork  are all essential techniques that will help your mind and body feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  Prioritize the below strategies from fitness professional Todd Durkin for recovery and regeneration. Use them to help your mind and body function at its best.

  1. SLEEP. Sleep restores and optimizes our metabolism, memory, focus, creativity, mental processing, speed, emotional balance, musculoskeletal performance, and immune defense. And that’s just for starters… the many benefits of sleep go FAR. Sleep is the foundation that helps you function at your highest level. And yet rarely do we prioritize sleep or think about how it influences every function in the body. Maybe you can run on adrenaline for a little while, but eventually a sleep deficit catches up with you. There is no “magic number” that is right for every individual – aim for a minimum of 6-8 hours of QUALITY sleep a night and all your health dreams will come true.
  2. Yoga and Pilates.While stretching is one way to improve the flexibility of your muscles, yoga and pilates offer another form of exercise that increases your flexibility, improves your structural alignment, and enhances your breathing. We know we are too tight. We feel it when we exercise, when we sit down, when we try to lift anything off the floor. And yet we still ignore our pain. Your body is telling you (sometimes SCREAMING at you) what’s wrong and yoga, pilates, or any other concentrated stretching will help improve your flexibility and facilitate relaxation. If you are super tight, stretching for 10 minutes after your workout isn’t enough. If you need to emphasize flexibility, prioritize it on a daily basis and feel free to do it multiple times a day. If you want help making time for yoga, pilates, and flexibility training, check out my latest quick fix stretching videos on youtube. Or for more detailed information on mind body workouts check out the blog for my yoga thoughts and pilates tips.
  3. Meditation and Breathwork.  We breathe, on average 18,000 and 22,000 times a day. How often do you stop and pay attention to your breathing? Seldom to never right? Its amazing, but the simple process of listening to your breath and focusing on it becomes a tremendous aid in feeling balanced, reducing stress, and controlling anxiety. Whenever you are stressed, worried, or tense, use your breathing to help calm yourself down. Take a few deep breaths and quietly let stress go with each exhalation. Simple breathing and meditation techniques can aid in immediate stress relief – all it takes is practice!
  4. Massage and Bodywork.Listen closely: massage and bodywork is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. Your body needs hands on attention to function correctly, and by integrating massage and bodywork anywhere from once a week to once a month, you’ll experience regenerative benefits for your mind and body. The pliability and the quality of your fascia are improved by massage and bodywork. When you exercise or sit for too long, adhesions build up in your connective tissues that restrict movement, comfort, and performance. By addressing your fascia with human touch, you can remove muscle tension and stiffness, heal quicker from injuries, improve joint flexibility, and improve range of motion so you can move more efficiently and feel better.  It doesn’t matter if your knees ache, your back hurts, or you have frequent headaches. Massage and bodywork can treat the cause and help you feel better from head to toe. Don’t know where to go for the bodywork that’s right for you? Check out some of my favorites like Joel Banuelos at San Francisco Bodywork and Psoas Massage on my yelp page.
  5. Vacation.How long has it been since you took time off? Its time to look at your schedule and plan a vacation. Whether it’s a long weekend or a tropical getaway, take some time away from it all. Reward yourself for all of your hard work. Do something you love. Find adventure. Don’t make excuses or say you’ll get around to it. Make it happen and it will serve as incentive and a reward for all the hard work you put towards making healthy changes. After all, it’s all about creating an extraordinary life. And reward is one way to guarantee that your mind is right and your body is fresh.

The world isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. Life is overwhelming at times, exhausting at others. But if you want to keep sprinting you need fresh legs. And I promise the strategies provided above will act as preventive medicine. Incorporate them into your regular routine and you’ll feel better and achieve more. Don’t wait until your health fails and you’re tackled short of your goals. Once you apply these strategies, you’ll feel completely rejuvenated and you’ll be shocked by how much the quality of your life improves.

Fearless Fitness Challenge Of The Week: Make Time For Relaxation in your Life

How much time do you make for recovery techniques? Recovery refers to any techniques you use to relax and improve your body. These strategies should be applied to both your mental and physical needs. Sleep, massage, yoga, meditation, healthy eating, and vacation. Is there a way you could incorporate more of these into your days? How can you make more time for more recovery, relaxation, and stress free living?

Ill make you a deal – If you remind me… Ill remind you to rest, restore, and recover. Lets relax hard – so we can SPRINT to the finish and WIN at life.
Thanks again  for being such a positive fitness family and bringing me joy every time I teach. Have a great week and Ill see you for another GREAT class soon 🙂 We’ll train hard so you can RELAX harder 😉


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Caroline Jordan Fitness Schedule and Special Events April 17th-24:

Monday 4/18: 5:30pm Competition Core and 6-645pm Chisel’d, 6:50-7:30pm Muscles On The Mat** EQUINOX

Tuesday 4/19: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX, 5pm Ball, 5:30pm BOSU, 6 pm Spin Circuit, and 7pm Sports Stretch Club One Citigroup

Wednesday 4/20: 5:30-6:00pm Competition Core, 6-645pm Chisel’d, 6:50-7:30pm Muscles On The Mat

Thursday 4/21: 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX .

Friday 4/22 : 12pm Abs and 12:30pm Cycling EQUINOX

Saturday 4/23: 10 am Chisel’d and 11am Cycling EQUINOX

Interested In Personal Training but not sure it fits in your budget? Try out a GROUP workout! Grab some friends and schedule a couples or group session. You’ll get quality training and SUPPORT in a fun group setting. Programs are carefully tailored to fit the unique fitness needs of each client and combined with lifestyle coaching for complete health and happiness. Don’t wait till next year to be healthier: Contact Me for details.

Fearless Fitness Tip Of The Week: Be Consistent With Healthy Habits. EVERY little bit counts!

“People always say:

‘I’m too busy to exercise,’

‘I have to be there for the kids,’

‘I’ve got too much work.’

You know what? These are little lies you’re telling yourself, and the go against the laws of self-preservation, because the more WHOLE and HEALTHY you are, the more fully you can give to other people.”

– Oprah

Leave it to Oprah to remind us the importance of prioritizing personal health in our lives. How do you make time for wellness throughout your week?

CONSISTENCY IS KEY when it comes to being fit, living well, and feeling healthy. Remember – EVERY little bit counts! You may not always eat the most nutritiously or sweat through hour long workouts daily – BUT what you DO commit to WORKS wonders for you. Each day, challenge yourself to make small changes towards living more healthfully. Every baby step you take will eventually add up to a happier you that FEELS great!

Need help making time for your HEALTH? Try these tips for turning healthy choices consistent HABITS in  your  life:

  • Schedule some exercise time every day, even if it’s just a few minutes (seriously – ANYTHING counts!).
  • Split up your workouts. You can get the same benefit from short workouts spread throughout the day as do with continuous workouts.
  • Change daily routines to incorporate activity. Walk or bike to and from work. Add an extra lap at the mall when shopping. Spring clean your house and sweat as you scrub, dust, and vacuum. Find ways to integrate more activity into your daily routines to stay as active as possible even if you don’t have time for a daily structured workout.
  • Multi-task by making your OFFICE ACTIVE. Use these WORKING WORLD WORKOUT TIPS and workout while you’re at work.
  • TAKE ACTION to make a Healthy Diet Happen. Eating healthy requires time and effort, but a little planning can go a LONG way. Write out a list of ways you can work on improving your diet habits  and take ACTION on an item on your list every  week. Tell friends and family of your healthy diet goals and have them join you in supporting your efforts. Rather than aiming to be perfect, just aim to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday. Remember, a little change can go a long way!
  • Find someone to keep you accountable. This can be a workout buddy, a personal trainer, or even a group fitness instructor. TELL them about your health and fitness goals. Ask for their support. Better yet, make it a family effort. Make exercise dates with the whole family or cook up healthy dinners together weekly. Team up with loved ones or friends. Together you can inspire each other to live healthier.
  • Workout at home. Clear out some space in the living room, garage, or backyard. Use a chair for tricep dips or invest $20 bucks in a travel yoga mat. Check out online exercise class resources like : FitnessGlo, YogaGlo, or my AWESOME YouTube Channel.While my videos may not be filmed professionally, they offer quick workouts you can enjoy anywhere in your city. You can piece together 10 minute segments for a complete workout – or squeeze in one when your tight on time. They can be downloaded to your Iphone, ipod, or computer for at home or on the road workouts to go! My Fitness Channel on YouTube can be found  HERE.  I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy some of these resources and  find them useful in times your busy schedule challenges you.  I love feedback and  requests – so if you’d like to see another workout video or two,  leave me a note and let me know what you’d like to MOVE to!
  • Be realistic. Set small, achievable goals at first. If you are new to exercise, plan to work out three times a week. Then move to every other day. As you progress you may build up to a 5-day (or more) weekly routine. As you work to build an exercise habit, allow yourself to mess up and forgive yourself for it. We all have times when we ‘fall off the wagon’ and our busy lives challenge us to miss exercise sessions. Things happen and can get in the way – through illness, other obligations, exhaustion, different opportunities, etc – that it is basically impossible for someone to NEVER miss a workout. It’s called life and I don’t know about you, but I like having one outside of the gym. The important thing is to NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT. Be realistic and aim to make small changes daily.
  • Make healthy eating and exercise a priority! Prioritize it into your day instead of trying to make it happen when you can. If it’s not a priority, you won’t do it.

Be consistent, realistic, and make time for MOVEMENT. Always stay positive and make your ultimate goal one of WELLNESS. Remember, every training day is different. The important part is showing up, doing your best, and committing to a healthy, happy life.

Fearless Fitness Challenge of the week: 7 Day Healthy Habit CHALLENGE!

What are some healthy habits you want to make a priority in your life? This week Id like to challenge you to COMMIT to 7 days of making healthier choices.  I challenge you to accumulate at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Activities can range anywhere from structured workouts (spin class, strength training, yoga) to walking your dog or playing frisbee at Golden Gate Park. I challenge you to make at least ONE balanced, healthy, meal every day. Share it with a friend or your family. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water. Just for this week, track the daily choices you make on a piece of paper, in your iphone, or in a journal. Call it your “Wellness Workbook”. At the end of the week SHARE this list with someone.  That’s 7 days of choosing HEALTHY habits and making it a priority in your life. Think you can do it? YES.

I’d love to hear how YOU are working to be healthier and support you in any way I can. My goal is to create a San Francisco fitness community of support and positive encouragement. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help YOU reach your personal health and wellness goals. Thanks again for everything and Ill see you in class soon!!


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